ENROLLMENT APPLICATION apply now formFirst NameLast NamePhone (Required)Phone Provider CompanyEmail (Required)Planning to Start Month– Select –JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberPlanning to attend (Required) Full Time PartimeAddressStreet AddresAddress Line 2CityStateZip CodeCampus (Required)– Select –Crystal LakeElginRockfordSchaumburgProgram (Required)– Select –Barber ProgramCosmetology ProgramEsthetics ProgramInstructor ProgramStudent InformationAre you a: (Required) U.S. citizen Permanent Resident OtherAre you married? (Required) Yes NoDo you have kids? (Required) Yes NoAre you a U.S. Veteran? (Required) Yes NoAre you right or left handed? (Required) Right LeftEducational, Demographic & Financial Assistance DataAre you a High School Graduate or GED Graduate? (Required) High School Graduate GED Graduate OtherYear of High School Graduation:Name of High School:Year you received a GED:Name of GED Issuer:Have you previously attended any post-secondary school or college? (Required) Yes NoDid you receive a Bachelor’s Degree? Yes NoComplete this part if you are interested in Federal Financial Aid.Are you interested in Financial Aid? Yes NoHave you submitted a FAFSA Application? Yes NoHave you ever had a student government loan? Yes NoIf so, are you current with your student loans? Yes No The following information will be used for reporting purposes only Demographic Area: Urban SuburbanSchool distance: Less than 10 miles 10 – 20 milesRacial/Ethnic Category: Asian Hispanic African American Caucasian Other Emergency Contacts FirstLast NameRelationship #1Phone #1FirstLast NameRelationship #2Phone #2Please List Any Medical Conditions or Medications that we need to be aware of: I have read and understand the admission application. I certify that information given within is correct and complete. I understand that false or misleading information given in my application may result in discharge. I understand, also that I am required to abide by rules and regulations of the Cosmetology and Spa Academy. I have been aware before my enrollment that a copy of the Student Catalog can be found at https://cosmetologyandspaacademy.edu/consumer-disclosures/ and I can receive one free printed version from admission office per my request. Date / Time (Required)Student’s Signature Student’s Signature Parent name and signature (if applicable) Parent name and signature EmailI understand & agree. By checking this box, you agree to receive text messages from Cosmetology & Spa Academy. You agree to our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to opt-out at any time, Reply HELP for customer care contact information. Messaging data rates may apply, and messaging frequency may vary. This is our privacy policy Submit